We all have experienced life-changing events, but rarely do we use what we have experienced in life for good. Furthermore, we don’t apply the knowledge we gain because of what we have experienced with people. It can suppress our belief in ourselves. But if applied with wisdom from God then by faith we can have a new vision of life that will help others and ourselves to become the best that we can be. (Romans 5:1-11 (KJV).
Barnell Herron Jr was born in 1968 to Alice and Barnell Herron in Jackson, Tennessee. Pastor Herron was the first of four children. He was raised in a rural farm community in Whiteville, Tennessee. Barnell was taught the value of hard work and respect from a very young age and those qualities have stuck with him up until this point. Pastor Herron attended Bolivar Central High School in Bolivar, Tennessee where he graduated in 1986. After graduating high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Army in March 1986 as Air Defense Crew member. During his 29-year career in the United States Army, Pastor Herron held a variety of positions and served in a number of leadership positions. All including Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, Operations Sergeant Major, Transportation Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major. Pastor Herron served in combat four times in support of our nation’s security in Operation Iraq Freedom and Operation New Dawn from 2004-2011. Pastor Herron is the recipient of numerous military and civilian awards, including The Omar Bradley Leadership Award; AUSA Leadership Award; The Ancient Order of Saint Christopher; Legion of Merit Medal; three Bronze Stars Awards and the Army Air Assault Wings. He is no stranger to hard work and perseverance. But none of these accomplishes could have come to pass without faith in the one who makes all things possible.
Pastor Herron became ordained as a Pastor in 2013, while still serving on active duty. He has ministered for many years at his church home, New Church of the Living God and keep moving in the purpose of God. Pastor Herron received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Liberty University and continued in his studies where he received a Master's Degree in Theological Studies (MATS) in 2017 and a Master's in Divinity in 2019. He has also received numerous educational accolades including: The Society of Collegiate Leadership and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS). Pastor Herron has over 30 years of leadership experience and training. With 20 years of ministry leadership to match. He has developed numerous ministry leadership training programs to help churches unify for the glory of God’s purpose. Following his retirement from the military on April 1, 2016, Pastor Herron declared that he would spend the second half of his life committed to taking care of his wife and making a positive change in people and himself. His spiritual leadership has brought significant impacts to the lives of so many others and has helped them to strengthen their faith and get closer to God.
He now currently resides in Waxahachie, Texas with his wife Jacqueline. While tirelessly perusing new opportunities to spread the word of God to those with an ear to listen.